If you’re addicted to Twitter and fashion then you probably know all about #Stylechat, but if you don’t, I’ll fill you in. There is this amazingly fabulous website, StyleCaster.com, that seems to rule the world of fashion. Some time ago they started to take over the world of Twitter as well and used their power for good to create #Stylechat. Once a week, every Wednesday at 3pm est every single person who has a Twitter account can follow the hashtag #stylechat to be a part of a conversation all about fashion! What could be better? I, for one, look forward to it every week.
Every Wednesday there is usually a theme, or a guest tweeter. It’s open to anyone who chooses to join, but they sometimes feature a specific account. For example, this week the fabulous ladies behind LaurenConrad.com contributed to the conversation, and nothing is off limits! Your fashion questions are answered each week by the best of the best: Zoya Nail Polish, Nicole Miller, Club Monaco, just to name a few! Where else can you chat it up with style and beauty gurus like these? The people behind Style Caster are bringing everyone together one #stylechat at a time!
Take this for example, one Twitter user @Stylesip asked a very simple question, “Can you use tank tops as a layering item for fall? Yay or nay?” (Which to me, screams Limited, Too. if you layer the wrong way, so be careful with that). One retweet from @StyleCaster and even Nicole Miller had an opinion!
Last week I used #Stylechat to get some insight for my piece on what to wear to a winter wedding, and I can’t thank everyone enough for their help! #Stylechat has become more than just a weekly conversation, it’s become a community; bloggers supporting bloggers, fashion designers styling fashionistas. I actually love tweeting pictures of my outfits and getting advice from my followers. You wouldn’t believe how many times I ask my Twitter girlfriends if these shoes look all right with that dress. They’re always saving me from making a horrible fashion mistake! These friends, I might add, I made through #Stylechat.
SO! If you’re looking for something to do to break up your boring Hump Day next week, hop on Twitter for a little while and follow #Stylechat. However I must warn you, it’s addicting, and if your day job does not involve fashion or social media, be prepared to hide your phone!
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